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Diploma in Theology Course Description The study of theology and religion is now more important than ever, with multicultural people living together with a mixture of different religions. This full-time course aims to provide vocational and practical training for students including theological study, placements, preaching and involvement in the prayer and devotions of the college. The course is assessed by a variety of methods including reading reflections, group work, student-led seminars, essays and examinations at a level broadly equivalent to HE Certificate and Diploma studies in a . The Diploma is studied in over three modules in one scholastic year, the first module being full-time over one term. The second module is studied as a number of short intensives during the following term with assessments and study being completed from home. The third term will include Theoretical lessons, Studying, Research and Dissertation. This Diploma allows the student to address the major world religions of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, the course develops your understanding of the significance of religion and its cultural contexts. Course Content Introduction to Theology Bibliology and Hermaneutics History of religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism) Biblical Theology Moral decision-making Theology of World Missions Religion Today Course available on both full time and part time basis; Practical information: Who can apply? These courses are aimed to equip students with significant transferable skills that are highly valued in a wide range of professions. Most of these students continue to further study in theology or related disciplines, teacher training or law conversion courses.
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Diploma in Theology Course Description The study of theology and religion is now more important than ever, with multicultural people living together with a mixture of different religions. This full-time course aims to provide vocational and practical training for students including theological study, placements, preaching and involvement in the prayer and devotions of the college. The course is assessed by a variety of methods including reading reflections, group work, student-led seminars, essays and examinations at a level broadly equivalent to HE Certificate and Diploma studies in a . The Diploma is studied in over three modules in one scholastic year, the first module being full-time over one term. The second module is studied as a number of short intensives during the following term with assessments and study being completed from home. The third term will include Theoretical lessons, Studying, Research and Dissertation. This Diploma allows the student to address the major world religions of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, the course develops your understanding of the significance of religion and its cultural contexts. Course Content Introduction to Theology Bibliology and Hermaneutics History of religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism) Biblical Theology Moral decision-making Theology of World Missions Religion Today Course available on both full time and part time basis; Practical information: Who can apply? These courses are aimed to equip students with significant transferable skills that are highly valued in a wide range of professions. Most of these students continue to further study in theology or related disciplines, teacher training or law conversion courses.
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Pro Deo International University
Pro Deo International
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